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MAS - Photo competitions

MAS Photo Competition
The MAS Astro Photo Competition will run every year. The winners (and runner up) images will be posed here.

The Competition for 2022 is now closed, winners are as below. The 2023 Competition is now open. Entries for the 2023 Competition close midnight on Friday 3rd November 2023. Winners will be announced at the December 2023 meeting. Rules :-

The Competition is open to members only, for images taken on their own equipment during the current competition year. All photos must feature an extra-terrestrial subject :-) Further details available on joining (and in the Members (login) section).

Maidenhead Astronomical Society photo competition 2023
 Categories :-
1. Moon
2. Sun
3. Planets / Solar System (including Comets, Asteroids, Meteors etc)
4. Deep Sky
5. 'Art image' (any object with sky or astral object in view. This must be a single frame image and not a composite or edited image)
The winner in each category will be short-listed for the Susan Flinders Memorial Award as 'Overall Winner' to be voted on by the members present at the Quiz Night meeting in December 2023 and awarded during that meeting.
Judging The Photographic Competition 2022 will be judged by an Associate of the Royal Photographic Society.
Rules 1) The image must have been taken by a full member of MAS 2) Each image should be given a description (name, date, where it was taken and what equipment was used e.g. digital camera, scope, mobile phone etc.) in the body of the email (see 4) 3) Images must have been taken between 6th November 2022 and 3rd November 2023 4) The image should be submitted as a jpeg or PNG no larger than 5 MB to photo2023@maidenhead-astro.net. Entries will not be accepted in any other medium or to any other email address. At a minimum please name the file as category, image title and your name (for example '1-Lunar-eclipse-Andy-N-Other.jpg') NOTE - the spam filters only accept emails from a members registered eMail address. To update your eMail address, Contact the Chair or WebAdmin 5) A maximum of 3 images per category per member 6) The images remain the property/copyright of the entrant 7) The winning images will be posted to the MAS website (at reduced resolution). The WebAdmin reserves the right to enhance contrast, brightness and re-crop to enhance appearance and fit the format of the web page. He will (only) add a watermark on request.

All rights reserved, all photos Copyright individual members of MAS

(+)  3 Dec 2022 2022 Photo Competition Winners - (all categories)

(+)  3 Dec 2021 2021 Photo Competition Winners - (all categories)

(+)  7 Jun 2019 2019 Photo Competition Winners - (all categories)

(+)  1 Jun 2018 2018 Photo Competition Winners - (all categories)

(-)  2 Jun 2017 2017 Photo Competition Winners - (all categories)

Photo: ../Photo_Competition/photos/2017-06-xx_Winner-MoonMobile-category_David-M.jpgPhoto: ../Photo_Competition/photos/2017-06-xx_RunnerUp-MoonMobile-category_Jo-K.jpg
(left) Winner Moon Mobile Category - David M

Runner up, Moon Mobile Category - Jo K (right)

Photo: ../Photo_Competition/photos/2017-06-xx_Commended-MoonMobile-category_Aditya-R.jpg
Commended, Moon Mobile Category - Aditya R

Photo: ../Photo_Competition/photos/2017-06-xx_Winner-Moon-category_Alun-H.jpg
(left) Winner, Moon Category - Lunar Mosaic by Alun H I had a play around with a ZWO ASI130MM camera attached to the prime focus (f7) of my 150ED APO. I collected 9x 500 frame AVI's to create this 9 pane mosaic of the Moon. Stacked in Registax, mosaic stitched in Photoshop, returning to Registax for wavelet processing and finished in Photoshop.

Photo: ../Photo_Competition/photos/2017-06-xx_RunnerUp-Moon-category_David-H.jpg

Runner up, Moon Category - David H (right)

Photo: ../Photo_Competition/photos/2017-06-xx_Winner-Sun-category_Anthony-T.jpg

Winner, Sun Category - Anthony T

Photo: ../Photo_Competition/photos/2017-06-xx_Winner-Planets-category_Tim-H.jpg

Winner, Planets category - Jupiter with Io nearing transit by Tim H There was a full Moon and some mist on April 11th. Seeing was quite stable, and I obtained this image of Jupiter with my 30cm F4 Newtonian and 5x Barlow, using IC capture software v 2.0. The AVI was Y800/Y800 at 30fps and 1150 frames with debayering recognised after capture by AutoStakkert. The GRS is just behind the E limb about to rotate into view. Seeing stability was good (Antoniadi 2/3)

Photo: ../Photo_Competition/photos/2017-06-xx_Winner-DeepSky-category_Guy-B.jpg
(left) Winner, Deep Sky category - Guy B

Photo: ../Photo_Competition/photos/2017-06-xx_RunnerUp-DeepSky-category_Tim-H.jpg
(right) Runner up, Deep Sky category - California Nebula by Tim H. One of three images (the others being Gamma Cygni and the Veil Neb) taken from Knowl Hill (nr. Maidenhead) on Oct 26th. 2016 using a Canon 20D (full spec mod) on a Vixen Polarie tracking head mounted on a Velbon Vel-flo 9 tripod. These are stacks of 8 to 10 x 60s exposures, using a Sigma 105mm F2.8 lens with flatfield frames, and AstronomiK CLS CCD filter for light pollution rejection. Exposure timing was manual (Bulb release). I think the ISO was 800. The sky conditions were very good, and the SQM-L reading was 20.3 – about as good as it gets here !

Photo: ../Photo_Competition/photos/2017-06-xx_Commended-DeepSky_Robin-O.jpg

Commemded, Deep Sky category - Orion Nebula, by Robin O. Taken with a Sky Watcher 80mm APO Refractor on 18th February 2017. The 10 x 30sec sub-images taken on a Canon 60Da and stacked on Deep Sky Stacker, finished in PhotoShop. A Celestron Autoguider mounted on a 30mm guidescope was fitted to the rig.

Photo: ../Photo_Competition/photos/2017-06-xx_Winner-Local-category_David-M.jpgPhoto: ../Photo_Competition/photos/2017-06-xx_RunnerUp-Local-category_Jo-K.jpg
(left) Winner, Local category - David M

Runner up, Local category - Jo K (right)

Photo: ../Photo_Competition/photos/2017-06-xx_Commended-Local-category_Guy-B.jpg

Commended, Local category - Guy B

Photo: ../Photo_Competition/photos/2017-06-xx_Winner-International-category_Tim-H.jpg
(left) Winner, International Category - View of the Milky Way from Rovere, Italy, by Tim H Taken at 42 10 35 N  13 31 05 E  Elevation 1390 m, looking approx’ South on 2016 June 28. Using my old Canon 20D (mod) and Tokina 11mm wide angle at F2.8 on a Gorilla pod. A stack of 6x 30s exposures at ISO-800 using a manual remote release.
I wanted to get high up above the town, and found some railings near a church. Although there was a street light nearby, I arranged to have it out of view. The Gorilla pod was wrapped around the railing. Some Hotel lights are revealed brightly at the bottom right. So I acquired several sequences to the sound of dogs barking in the distance. They had very sensitive ears and when one started we got a chorus of barks !  As I turned around to make my way back to the Hotel, I was met head-on by pack of growling dogs.  Fortunately they ran off as I approached. The two brightest object are Saturn and Mars in Scorpio and Libra.

Photo: ../Photo_Competition/photos/2017-06-xx_RunnerUp-International-category_Robin-O.jpg
(tight) Runner up, International Category - Robin O. Taken on a Canon 60Da as a single 6sec exposure. Obergurgl is in the foreground, Hochgurgl in the distance. The Oetz Valley is in Tyrol, Austria, with the Italian border close by to the right of this image.

Photo: ../Photo_Competition/photos/2017-06-xx_Winner-Art-category_David-M.jpg
(left) Winner, Art category - David M

Photo: ../Photo_Competition/photos/2017-06-xx_RunnerUp-Art-category_Tim-H.jpg
(right) Runner up, Art category - "Perseid Ghosts" by Tim H. During the Perseid Meteor watch on 2016 Aug 12, MAS members met in Ockwells Park. The sky was clear. This is a time exposure of the SW sky with a member’s telescope in the foreground. The movement of people around the telescope is revealed as a ghostly outline. The frame has been cropped to enlarge this area. Canon 7D and Tokina 11mm at f2.8.  20 sec at ISO-1600.

Photo: ../Photo_Competition/photos/2017-06-xx_Commended-Art-category_Dave-H.jpg

Commended, Art category - David H

This note last modified: 12th Jun 2017 15:42.


(+)  3 Jun 2016 2016 Photo Competition Winners - (all categories)
