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Ordering MAS Logo fleeces etc.

Ordering MAS Logo fleeces etc.

Sorry, these are available to Members Only

To avoid small order surcharge and spread the cost of P&P, fleeces etc. will be ordered in a 'batch' of 6 or more, so there will be some delay, however I will bring delivered items to the next meeting.

NOTE. All items will be NAVY BLUE (NOT as shown in other color below, see at end for why).

The 3 items I have priced up are :-

Photo: fleeceFleeces (approx £38, includes Logo front and text 'Maidenhead Astronomy Society' on back)
Photo: sweatshirt.jpgSweatshirt (about £22 includes Logo front and text 'Maidenhead Astronomy Society' on back))
Photo: poloshirt.jpgPolo shirt (£16 Logo front ONLY. For text on back + £2.50).
Prices above include VAT and a share of the postage costs.

To order, state Item, and SIZE !!

These and other Logo items are from https://www.totalteamwear.co.uk/. If you want some other item state the TotalTeamWear ITEM ID CODE

Order via eMail, either to my private address or via the web link webmaster@maidenhead-astro.net

Why Navy Blue ?

The logo is stitched in various different colour threads onto the material. The 'background' is not stitched. So the Logo relies on the item material colour for it's 'background' color. Hence all items with logo will be ordered in Navy Blue.
