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Contacting Maidenhead Astronomical Society

Contact MAS

  Joining MAS enquiries form  

This form is intended for Membership enquiries by the public (you can join by completing the membership form and bringing it along to any Meeting. You may also attend one or two meetings on a 'trial' basis without joining, however we do ask you contribute £2 toward the hall hire costs)

Annual (Sept-June) Membership rates for 2021/2022 are :-
Under 18 & Concessionary (note 1): £15, Adults: £20, Family (2 adults+all their related children under 18): £30. See also (note 2)

Note 1. Concessions are at the discretion of the Membership Secretary, however will include unwaged (for the year), relevant disabilities (i.e. a disability that restricts their participation in Society activities) and those in receipt of a State Pension.
Note 2. Visitors who made a contribution at one or more 'trial' meeting(s) in the same season may have this deducted from their Membership Fee

For general enquiries and Event Registration, please use the MAS General and Events email form.

For web site enquiries (spelling errors, dead links, members forgotten passwords etc) please use the MAS Webmaster email form.

Members may log-in to the Members Only section for direct access to the addresses of the committee members. Note that members should only send us mail from the eMail account they 'registered' with us when joining (mail sent to Committee members from a non-Member address is automatically deleted without notification by the 'junk mail' filters). NOTE 'unconfirmed' AOL user addresses are often 'marked' by AOL themselves as 'junk' (they are setting X-SPAM-FLAG=YES) = we take their word for it and 'drop' any we receive. If you are an AOL user and we are ignoring you, please contact AOL (or use some other email provider).

A copy of your message is automatically sent to your own email address. If you do not receive this, it means we have not recognised your eMail address. Please try again
Your email Address:
Your message:
Please do not try to exceed the input box size (email Address and Subject are limited to 50 characters each, the Message to 200 characters). Please use only "normal" text (although special characters and html (or other) "mark up" is removed before being passed onto our mail system, things like ALL CAPITAL LETTERS can still result in your message being rejected as spam (sorry))
Please enter the CAPTCHA:
The Captcha consists of lowercase letters or numbers only. If you can't read the Captcha, "Refresh" the page (or leave the box empty and click "Submit") and we will send you another one

Data Protection. The data you enter is processed 'on the fly' and either discarded or passed to the MAS email server (it is not 'saved' on the website). The MAS email server may hold your message in a temporary queue whilst it awaits processing. After processing it is removed from the queue and either discarded or mailed to one or more members of the MAS committee (it is not stored on the mail server). You agree that members of the MAS committee may save your email address (and the contents of this and subsequent messages) to their personal computers for the sole purpose of dealing with your enquiry. Upon your request, your messages and your email address will be deleted. We take the security of your data very seriously and use our very best efforts to prevent your address falling into the hands of 'spammers'. We trust you will do the same with ours.
