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Random tip: When I was shown the constellations, it all began to make sense.

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MAS observing (see also the Reports page)

MAS observing
For B.A.A Sky Notes (Dec 2016 & Jan 2017) see here

Photo: MAS Meeting

Above: Members telescopes setup ready to observe the Solar Eclipse, 20 March 2015 (unfortunately all we saw was 100% cloud, 100% of the time !)

  Observing the International Space Station (ISS)  

ISS 'spotting' seems to have become quite popular, perhaps because the UK's first astronaut arrived at the ISS on 15th Dec 2015. To help you find the ISS, here is a link to NASA 'spot the station' web page (the times shown are for Windsor, the closest they list to Maidenhead, and are no more than -1 second 'out')

  !! New for the 2014/15 season !!  
Members only observing sessions are planned for the 3rd Friday of each month (weather permitting), at our usual site (details in the Members Only section), except during July and August.

  Next planned public observing date: *  


Please note we use Twitter (see below) to advise members of 'last minute' changes in the Observing schedule (although if it's actually pouring with rain (or snowing !) you can be reasonably sure the 'session' has been cancelled)

Follow us on Twitter (#MaidenheadAstro) for the latest Observing Session news !

To receive our twitter messages on your mobile phone, you must have a twitter account (and 'register' your phone). For help, see our 'How To' movie (.wmv) (Members can find the original PowerPoint presentation in the Members only pages / Resources section)

Note, JavaScript must be 'enabled' for the web based Twitter 'feed' (display below) to work. Some smart phones / mobile devices have problems with Java, so you may not see the feed on your Tablet etc. (instead, you can 'follow' us using a Twitter mobile device 'app', such as UberSocial)

Here's a couple of random photos (to make this page more interesting :-) )
Transit ( 8 Jun 2004)Occultation ( 1 Jan 1970)
