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Random tip: Only binoculars beat a Dobsonian in overall set up time.LookingUp logo

Future Public Events (top) / Outreach & Event reports

[(top)] [Future] [Past]
MAS events

  Laser Pens  

Maidenhead Astronomical Society may use Laser Pens as a pointer during outreach events and talks. Any such use will comply with our Laser Pen Policy, which may be downloaded from here (.pdf)

Essentially, only responsible adults pre-approved by MAS are allowed to use a laser pointer at an outreach event. Children under the age of 18 and non-approved adults are not permitted to use the laser pen at any time. Any member of the public bringing their own device (without pre-approval) is asked not to use it during one of our events (and will be asked to leave if they are not willing to comply with this request).

  Future Public Events  

This page is dedicated to events promoted by Maidenhead Astronomical Society aimed at bringing an awareness and appreciation of astronomy to the general public. Almost all of the Events listed here are run by MAS (the few that are not are plainly marked)

Details of future planned events are limited to those open to the general public (Members should look in the Members Only section for details of future events not open to the public - which includes most of our local Outreach activities (schools, cubs, brownies etc)).

Future events are listed in date order, next planned first. Be aware that events can change (usually due to the weather :-) ) so please check nearer the event before making a journey

Note. MAS holds Public Liability Insurance via our membership of Federation of Astronomical Societies.
The Policy Document for 2022-23 (pdf) is available on request (it can be found in the Members section)

(+)  7 Mar 2025 (and 22) Major Lunar Standstill

(+) 29 Mar 2025 Partial Solar Eclipse

(+) 12 Aug 2026 Solar Eclipse

(+) 26 Jan 2028 annular Solar Eclipse

(+)  1 Jun 2030 annular Solar Eclipse

(+) 13 Nov 2032 Transit of Mercury

(+)  7 Nov 2039 Transit of Mercury - (2nd of pair)

(+) 28 Jul 2061 Halleys Comet returns

(+) 23 Sep 2090 Total Solar Eclipse - (the next visible from UK)


  Reports from our Outreach & Event activity  

Here you will find reports of MAS events held in the last 10 years or so (i.e. since the MAS web site effectively 'took over' from printed newsletters as the primary means of 'reporting back' to the membership). Some details have been removed to allow for public viewing

The Members Only section contains details of MAS History going back to our formation in 1957

Note that this page does not include Observing session reports (which have a separate page)

(+)  2 May 2024 Newlands Girls School - (outreach)

(+) 26 Apr 2024 1st Britwell Scouts - (outreach)

(+) 27 Feb 2024 1st Cookham Beavers(2) - (outreach)

(+) 26 Feb 2024 1st Cookham Beavers(1) - (outreach)

(+)  6 Feb 2024 7th Windsor Brownies - (outreach)

(+) 15 Jan 2024 Cookham Dean Primary School - (outreach)

(+) 12 Jan 2024 1st Cippenham Cubs - (outreach)

(+)  6 Dec 2023 Bisham Brownies - (outreach)

(+) 22 Nov 2023 Furze Platt Cubs (2nd pack) - (outreach)

(+) 21 Nov 2023 Furze Platt Cubs (1st pack) - (outreach)

(+) 10 Nov 2023 Trinity St Stephans School - (outreach)

(+)  2 Sep 2023 Cookham Regatta

(+) 19 Apr 2023 Newlands School - (outreach)

(+) 18 Mar 2023 Highfield Prep School Look to the Stars - (Public Event)

(+)  4 Mar 2023 Maidenhead Big Read - (Maidenhaed Library)

(+) 23 Feb 2023 Bourne End cubs (2nd pack) - (outreach)

(+) 22 Feb 2023 Bourne End cubs (1st pack) - (outreach)

(+)  8 Feb 2023 Western House Academy - (outreach)

(-) 18 Jan 2023 1st Cippenham Beavers - (outreach)

18th January 2023  - 1st Cippenham beavers - Outreach
Adrian (lead), James, Robin, Steve.  (Report by Adrian)
The venue for the evening was the Dorney Wood scout camp site. It’s a dark site, well-suited to outdoor viewing if the weather is favourable, which it was on this occasion – an almost cloudless sky! The area around the main car park is unfortunately surrounded by quite high trees that significantly restrict the region of the sky that can be seen, so our plan was to drive a few hundred metres to the far end of the site where there is another parking area and a more open aspect. We arrived at 5.30 pm, well wrapped up for the cold. After a short delay to get the alternative access gate unlocked, we made our way to the other end of the site. Despite Steve missing the turning (poor directions from me!) we soon had 4 viewing stations set up: James with binoculars, Robin with his refractor, Steve with the big Dobsonian and me with my small Mak-Newt. The 12 beavers arrived soon after 6pm with their leaders and helpers, and were quickly split into four groups. The groups then did a round-robin of the four stations, spending about 10 minutes at each station. The telescopes showed great views of Jupiter, Mars, the Pleiades and M31, the Andromeda Galaxy, whilst James pointed out several constellations to the beavers and explored Orion’s belt with his binoculars. At the end, the beavers gathered to ask any last questions, and thanked the team with three loud cheers!  We packed up and left the site by 7.15 pm. Photo: ../Outreach_&_Events/photos/2023-02-06_182106-thumb.jpg
A couple of weeks after the event, the Beavers sent us a 'Thank You' card !

Photo taken by James

This note last modified: 7th Feb 2023 19:53.


(+) 12 Jan 2023 6th Windsor Cubs - (outreach)

(+) 21 Nov 2022 Cookham Dean C of E School - (outreach)

(+) 12 Nov 2022 White Waltham Academy - (outreach)

(+)  8 Nov 2022 1st Maidenhead Sea Cubs (2nd visit) - (outreach)

(+)  1 Nov 2022 1st Maidenhead Sea Cubs - (outreach)

(+) 25 Oct 2022 Partial Solar Eclipse

(+)  3 Sep 2022 Cookham Regatta

(+) 15 Jun 2022 Newlands KS3 Science Club - (Outreach)

(+) 18 Mar 2022 21st Maidenhead Scouts - (outreach)

(+) 10 Mar 2022 Wargrave Cubs - (outreach)

(+)  9 Mar 2022 Wargrave Cubs - (outreach)

(+) 28 Jan 2022 Western House Academy - (Outreach)

(+) 14 Jan 2022 1st Cookham Guides - (Outreach)

(+)  9 Dec 2021 Windsor Cental Scouts 2 - (Outreach)

(+)  8 Dec 2021 Windsor Cental Scouts - (Outreach)

(+)  2 Dec 2021 Furze Platt Beavers - (Outreach)

(+) 16 Nov 2021 Cookham Beavers 2 - (Outreach)

(+) 15 Nov 2021 Cookham Beavers - (Outreach)

(+)  8 Nov 2021 Cookham Dean School - (Outreach)

(+)  4 Sep 2021 Cookham Regatta

(+) 12 Aug 2021 Perseids meteor shower - (Ockwells Park outreach)

(+) 10 Jun 2021 Solar Eclipse - (partial from UK)

(+)  4 Mar 2021 1st Maidenhead Sea Scouts - (Outreach)

(+) 27 Jan 2021 (and 28) Bourne End Cubs (Outreach)

(+) 14 Nov 2020 Covid19 CANCELLED Public Viewing Event - (White Waltham)

(+)  9 Nov 2020 Cookham Dean Primary School (ZOOM Outreach)

(+)  4 Apr 2020 Stargazing public event - (POSTPONED)

(+) 21 Nov 2019 Central Windsor Scouts (Outreach)

(+) 11 Nov 2019 19th Maidenhead Beavers (Outreach)

(+) 11 Nov 2019 Transit of Mercury (2nd of pair)

(+)  4 Nov 2019 Cookham Dean Primary School - (Outreach)

(+) 10 Oct 2019 Holy Trinity School yr3 - (Outreach)

(+)  7 Sep 2019 Cookham Regatta

(+) 29 Aug 2019 Maidenhead Library (Outreach)

(+) 19 Aug 2019 Childrens Reading Challenge Maidenhead Library - (Outreach)

(+) 20 Jul 2019 50th Anniversary of the Moon Landing - (Maidenhead Festival)

(+)  4 Apr 2019 Newlands School (Outreach)

(+) 28 Mar 2019 Bourne End Cubs (Outreach)

(+) 14 Mar 2019 Furze Platt Beavers (Outreach)

(+) 24 Feb 2019 Furze Platt cubs (Outreach)

(+) 15 Feb 2019 Scouts (Outreach)

(+) 15 Feb 2019 13th Maidenhead Scouts (Outreach)

(+)  7 Feb 2019 Burchetts Green Infant School - (Outreach)

(+) 24 Jan 2019 Sea Scouts (Outreach)

(+) 29 Nov 2018 ALLsorts (Outreach)

(+) 18 Nov 2018 Furze Platt Cubs (Outreach)

(+)  7 Nov 2018 Furze Platt Cubs (Outreach)

(+)  5 Nov 2018 Cookham Dean Primary School (Outreach)

(+) 20 Oct 2018 Furze Platt Beavers (Outreach)

(+) 10 Oct 2018 WILLIAM LASSELL by Kenlem England (MAS) - (Maidenhead Heritage Centre)

(+) 11 Aug 2018 CANCELLED Persieds Observing - (Ockwells Park)

(+) 27 Jul 2018 Total Lunar Eclipse

(+) 30 Jun 2018 (end) Maidenhead Week - (Lassell at Heritage Center)

(+) 23 May 2018 Wycombe Abbey School (Outreach)

(+) 12 May 2018 Lassell grave clear up

(+) 11 May 2018 Lassell grave tidy up

(+)  8 May 2018 9th Maidenhead Brownies - (Outreach)

(+) 28 Apr 2018 Maidenhead Arts Festival

(+) 18 Mar 2018 1st Furze Platt Brownies - (Outreach)

(+) 19 Feb 2018 Winter Hill Beavers - (Outreach)

(+) 18 Jan 2018 1st Maidenhead Beavers - (Outreach)

(+) 13 Dec 2017 Geminids meteor watch - (Ockwells Park)

(+) 22 Nov 2017 Cookham Dean CE Primary School - (Outreach)

(+) 18 Nov 2017 PUBLIC EVENT Leonids meteor watch - (at White Waltham)

(+)  6 Nov 2017 2nd Woodlands Park Rainbows - (Outreach)

(+)  5 Oct 2017 Harvest Moon - (official)

(+) 22 Sep 2017 Autumn Equinox - (early Harvest Moon)

(+) 21 Aug 2017 Solar Eclipse - (partial from UK)

(+) 12 Aug 2017 Perseid Meteor Watch - (Ockwells Park)

(+)  9 Jun 2017 MAS 60th Anniversary Meal - (Members and guest only)

(+)  1 Apr 2017 Stargazing Live

(+)  8 Mar 2017 1st Stoke Poges Guide Unit - (Outreach)

(+)  7 Mar 2017 19th Maidenhead Cubs - (Outreach)

(+) 21 Feb 2017 Furze Platt Cub Pack - (Outreach)

(+)  7 Feb 2017 St Pirans School - (Outreach)

(+)  7 Feb 2017 1st Wargrave Cubs - (Outreach)

(+)  2 Feb 2017 Wildcats Cubs Wargrave - (Outreach)

(+) 19 Dec 2016 Cookham Dean Primary School - (Outreach)

(+) 25 Nov 2016 Bayfordbury Observatory - (members visit)

(+) 17 Nov 2016 Taplow Brownies - (Outreach)

(+) 21 Oct 2016 Lowbrook Academy Science Week - (Outreach)

(+) 17 Oct 2016 19th Maidenhead Beavers - (Outreach)

(+) 17 Oct 2016 Holy Trinity School Science Week - (Outreach)

(+) 10 Sep 2016 Pinkneys Scout Camp - (Outreach)

(+) 11 Aug 2016 Perseid meteor watch - (Ockwells Park)

(+) 11 May 2016 1st Datchet Cub Pack - (Outreach)

(+)  9 May 2016 Transit of Mercury - (Public observing at Ockwells)

(+)  9 May 2016 Parkinsons UK at SportsAble - (outreach)

(+) 30 Mar 2016 Claires Court Holiday Club - (Outreach)

(+) 16 Mar 2016 Trinity St Stephens First School - (Outreach)

(+) 15 Mar 2016 Eton End School - (Outreach)

(+) 14 Mar 2016 Holy Trinity Primary School - (Outreach)

(+) 26 Feb 2016 Pinkneys Green and Boyne Hill Altwood Scouts - (outreach)

(+) 11 Feb 2016 Cox Green School STEM - (Outreach)

(+)  4 Feb 2016 Burchetts Green Infants School - (Outreach)

(+)  1 Feb 2016 3rd Cookham Brownies - (Outreach)

(+) 14 Jan 2016 6th Windsor Cubs and Scouts

(+)  1 Jan 2016 Comet Catalina 2013

(+) 12 Dec 2015 Geminids watch - (at Ockwells Park)

(+) 30 Nov 2015 21st Cox Green Beavers - (outreach)

(+) 26 Nov 2015 Furze Platt Beavers - (Outreach)

(+) 21 Nov 2015 A history of the Sun - (St Cross College OXFORD (not by MAS))

(+) 18 Nov 2015 Leonid meteor watch - (canceled)

(+) 12 Nov 2015 1st Cookham Dean Brownies - (outreach)

(+) 24 Oct 2015 Cavendish Lab - (Members coach trip)

(+) 17 Oct 2015 (to 23 Oct) Orionids Meteor Shower

(+) 10 Oct 2015 Solar Observing Ockwells Park - (members only)

(+)  6 Oct 2015 Sequela Foundation - (outreach)

(+) 28 Sep 2015 Total Lunar Eclipse

(+) 27 Sep 2015 Super Moon (followed by a Lunar Eclipse)

(+) 29 Aug 2015 Public Solar Observing - (lunchtime at Norden Farm)

(+) 11 Aug 2015 Perseids Meteor watch - (Cancelled due to bad weather)

(+) 18 Jul 2015 St Nicholas School camp - (Outreach)

(+) 23 Jun 2015 Courthouse School - (Outreach)

(+) 27 May 2015 Claire Court School - (Outreach)

(+) 11 May 2015 Finchampstead Brownies (Outreach)

(+) 15 Apr 2015 Exploring the Realm of the Giants - (Cafe Scientifique Henley (not by MAS))

(+) 21 Mar 2015 StarGazing Live 2015 (and Telescope Workshop)

(+) 20 Mar 2015 Solar Eclipse (Ockwells Park)

(+) 13 Mar 2015 13th Maidenhead Scouts at Braywick

(+)  8 Mar 2015 Cox Green Wives Group

(+) 25 Feb 2015 Taplow Guides (Outreach)

(+) 25 Feb 2015 Taplow Brownies (Outreach)

(+) 24 Feb 2015 Tilehurst Brownies (Outreach)

(+) 12 Feb 2015 Cox Green Cubs (Outreach)

(+) 10 Feb 2015 21st Maidenhead Cubs (Outreach)

(+) 30 Jan 2015 Furze Platt Brownies (Outreach)

(+) 29 Jan 2015 1st Woodland Park Brownies (Outreach)

(+) 26 Jan 2015 Burnham Grammer School (Outreach)

(+) 13 Dec 2014 Meteor Watch (public observing at Ockwells Park)

(+)  5 Dec 2014 Comet rendezvous free talk at RAL (booking required)

(+) 20 Nov 2014 1st Maidenhead cubs - (Outreach)

(+) 15 Nov 2014 Public observing and meteor watch at Braywick

(+) 10 Nov 2014 Pinkneys Green Beavers (Outreach)

(+)  6 Nov 2014 1st Emmer Green (Outreach)

(+) 21 Oct 2014 Sequela Foundation (Outreach)

(+) 27 Sep 2014 Cubs Space Camp at Stoke Poges (Outreach)

(+) 26 Sep 2014 Mark Thompson at Norden Farm

(+) 14 Sep 2014 (week to 21st) MAS at Maidenhead Library

(+)  5 Aug 2014 WINGS 2014 International Scouting Jamboree (Outreach)

(+) 21 Jun 2014 Taplow Primary School family camp (Outreach)

(+) 21 Jun 2014 Big Brownie Birthday (Outreach)

(+) 14 Jun 2014 Greenwich Observatory visit (Members)

(+)  5 Apr 2014 Pop up shop - (Maidenhead Town)

(+) 27 Mar 2014 Scouts (Outreach)

(+) 10 Mar 2014 Burnham Grammer (Outreach)

(+)  8 Mar 2014 National Astronomy Week Telescope workshop

(+) 11 Jan 2014 Stargazing LIVE 2014

(+)  7 Jan 2014 SGL at Portsmouth

(+) 12 Jan 2013 Stargazing LIVE 2013

(+) 30 Nov 2012 Visit to Altwood School (Outreach)

(+) 12 Aug 2012 Perseid Meteor Watch

(+)  8 Mar 2012 Wanborough Cubs - (Outreach)

(+) 25 Feb 2012 Visit to Herstmonceux (Members)

(+) 21 Jan 2012 Stargazing LIVE 2012

(+)  2 Jul 2011 Pinkneys Green Scout Camp (Outreach)

(+) 12 Mar 2011 Telescope Workshop

(+)  8 Jan 2011 Stargazing LIVE 2011

(+)  3 Dec 2010 Christmas Lecture

(+) 12 Nov 2010 Jupiter Night

(+) 30 Oct 2010 Astronomy workshop at the Heritage Centre

(+) 15 May 2010 Visit to the Herschel Museum

(+) 15 Feb 2010 Photo Exhibition at Sainsbury

(+) 20 Nov 2009 IYA2009 Autumn Stargazing

(+) 14 Nov 2009 Astro weekend in South Wales

(+)  9 May 2009 Visit to National Space Centre

(+)  1 Apr 2009 IYA2009 Spring Moon Watch

(+) 28 Mar 2009 Coffee with the stars (Outreach)

(+) 10 Oct 2008 Astronomy night at Braywick

(+) 31 May 2008 Patrick Moore opens observatory

(+) 20 Apr 2008 O2 award

(+) 15 Mar 2008 Old Greenwich Observatory

(+) 13 Dec 2007 Geminid meteor watch at Braywick

(+) 30 Jun 2007 The lives of stars and people

(+)  8 Jun 2007 MAS 50th Anniversary Dinner

(+) 26 May 2007 Scouting 100 (Outreach)

(+) 13 May 2007 500th Meeting

(+)  1 May 2007 Exhibition at the Heritage Centre

(+)  3 Mar 2007 Total Lunar Eclipse
